2024 Events Wrap-up
March 7, 2025 | News
As 2024 came to a close, we reflected back on not only the achievements reached and hurdles overcome over the year, but also the strid events Invest4Nature had been present at and the people we’ve connected with. In our mission to create a better understanding of the economic costs and benefits of NbS, we are excited to share the highlights of our last year’s journey.
It had been a great year of spreading word on Invest4Nature and connecting with researchers, municipality officers, and NbS professionals on the progress Invest4Nature is making. Here is a wrap up of our activities so far!
NBS Italy Hub
NbS Italy Hub is a national platform that promotes the adoption and implementation of nature-based solutions (NbS) in Italy. Our partners in CMCC participated to present projects they are working on in the field of NbS, giving them the perfect opportunity to showcase Invest4Nature on the project, its aims, and objectives. The poster on Invest4Nature stood in exhibition to an audience of public and private entities, research institutes, and universities.
Workshop at Climate Alliance’s International Conference (CAIC) 2024
A workshop was held at CAIC 2024 on the biases that influence investment decisions and the development of nudging strategies to encourage private investment in NbS. The 3 day conference saw the attendance of many local and regional authorities with ~30 participants in the workshop. The team was able to share on the potentials of private investment in NbS.
Webinar on bridging the Adaptation Finance Gap
Our partner Melomys Advisory participated in the webinar organized by the Climate Change Adaptation Network to explore solutions in bridging the finance gap. In discussing how financing sources, investor perspectives, including insights gained from the Invest4Nature survey were shared. This has shed light on how investments for climate resilience could be unlocked and how Invest4Nature is contributing to bridging this gap.
COP16 Interactive Session – Bridging Global Perspectives on Transformative Change towards a ‘Nature-Positive’ Economy
Partner Horizon Nua presented research on the nature-positive economy, drawing insights from research in Invest4Nature. The results in exploring the different perspectives on the nature-positive economy will contribute to EC expert publication on the role of NbS in the nature-positive economy to be published very soon. In this occasion, Invest4Nature was able to establish itself as a player in the NbS field to a large international audience.
Nature Meeting, Aarhus
Our local partner from Aarhus municipality was able to present Invest4Nature with a stand during 2 days of the meeting. It was a productive means of networking and awareness raising for the work in Invest4Nature, establishing varying contacts on national level with NBE’s as part of the private sector and potentials investors to NbS measures.
UN Habitat: Global Urban Development
Drawing on their NbS implementations on green schoolyards, among others, Poznan had delivered a lecture on small urban interventions in public spaces which contribute to greener and more sustainable urban environments. They were able to raise more awareness on NbS and in their contribution to developing sustainable actions within European projects such as Invest4Nature.
Catch up on the recap of NIVA’s Ocean Decade Side Event and NATURANCE’s Naturethon webinar featuring Marianne Zandersen from Aarhus Uni, both of which Invest4Nature co-hosted.