
Climate change adaptation and resilience through natural capital and forest management


The Tirol living lab is based on findings from former projects and covers different natural climate change adaptation and resilience solutions:

  • Natural capital in the built environment 

  • Soil-conserving forest management

  • Resilience to high-precipitation events and floods

The challenge 

The natural ecosystems and biodiversity are under considerable pressure from a variety of factors, such as surfaces impermeable to water and human activities, and are now further endangered by the effects of climate change. Due to the complex topography and sensitive ecosystems, mountain regions are particularly vulnerable to climatic changes and the impact of global warming is already clearly noticeable in Tyrol.

 The nature-based solution 

The Living Lab addresses the challenges related to climate change adaptation and resilience:

  • The use of natural capital in the built environment to improve biodiversity and resilience in municipalities 

  • An NbS-based forestry management support system for small-scale forest owners to improve resilience and promote soil-conserving forest management. 

  • Improvement of wetland ecosystems and thereby also enhancement of resilience to high-precipitation events and flooding. 

Role of living lab in Invest4Nature 

The aim of the Living Lab is to monitor and promote already developed or ongoing small-scale NbS. The learnings from the project will allow Climate Alliance to promote the integration of NbS in local and regional climate action plans or planning tools. Through our broad network we will assist in mapping and involving relevant stakeholders across sectors to disseminate the development of the investment case for nature-based solutions in the region of Tyrol. 

Sigrid Mourits-Andersen

Klimabündnis Tirol – Climate Alliance Tyrol
