Climate Alliance Tyrol

Climate Alliance TyrolKlimabündnis Tirol (KBT) is part of an international municipality climate protection network with 1915 member municipalities in 27 countries. Climate Alliance Tyrol facilitates and supports climate change adaptation and mitigation measures and activities in cooperation with regional and local governments, companies and educational institutions. The Regional Government of Tyrol is a partner to Climate Alliance together with 81 other Climate Alliance municipalities, 101 Climate Alliance partner companies and 52 Climate Alliance education institution members. Methods employed are counseling, communication activities, workshops as well as the coordination and implementation of projects.  


Our role in the project

Climate Alliance Tyrol is the owner of the NBS case in Austria.

In previous projects, local and regional needs for NBS in Tyrol have been identified and included in local adaptation strategies and policy documents of municipalities and regions. Based on these former and ongoing projects, three NBS’s have been identified. They cover different natural climate change adaptation and resilient solutions in Tyrol. The Invest4Nature team will accompany the NBS implementation with assessments of the case studies performance and monitoring of costs and benefits. Through our broad network and know-how, we will assist in involving relevant stakeholders and to support and disseminate the findings of the NBS implementation and assessment in the Region of Tyrol and abroad. The learnings from the project will furthermore allow Climate Alliance to promote the integration of NBS´s in local and regional climate workshops, climate plans or planning tools.  

Sigrid Mourits-Andersen

Klimabündnis Tirol
